Telling others what to eat while your plate is full

I wrote this blog yesterday, and hesitated a bit about posting it. 

There have been so many in agriculture that have been censored or attacked for talking about, or defending animal agriculture. I paused for a minute, not sure if my words would make me a target of those attacks. I realized my hesitation to post is exactly why activists attack us, they want to shut us up. 

I don’t understand when animal agriculture became so controversial. It’s a profession that has been around since the beginning of man. It is an honest profession. One that is more than just growing protein for humans to survive. It’s taking great care of the land, the livestock and our families. It’s not done from nine to five. It’s a lifestyle, a commitment, something that’s in our blood, our DNA, something to be proud of. And I will defend it until my last breath.

So here is my post...

I will never understand this. Why do people with means and influence think they have the right to tell others how to live? 

Several articles have been floating around this week about Bill Gates and his push to do away with animal agriculture, and move to synthetic meat. I know he is a very smart guy, but why is he telling others what to eat? 

Oh yeah, he wants to save the environment, and cows are killing the planet!

This is an old argument, do you think he really believes it? There is too much factual science about the environmental benefits of regenerative agriculture and ruminant animals for people to still be beating that drum. Not only that, does he really believe that farming, the oldest profession in the history of mankind, is the cause of global warming? Or that the temperature of the planet rising two degrees in the last century, is the fault of a cow that has lived here for over ten thousand years. There is no way he actually believes meat cells grown in a lab is going to stop the climate from changing? I think he is smarter than that.

Smart or not, these days depending on your circle, facts are optional, but you are not allowed to have different opinions. Maybe that’s it? Maybe he’s in that circle that likes to blame rural America for climate change, while they fly over it in their private jets. You know the one Al Gore and Jack off Titanic are in. The Private Jet Global Warmers. This group loves to blame animal agriculture for environmental issues, it’s the path of least resistance for them. It allows them to appear as if they have a deep concern for the environment, while not actually changing anything in their own lives that might be a contributor. You know like all the extra homes, cars, jets. Bill Gates fits in this group like a glove. He can shame you for eating a steak, or me for growing one. All while keeping the heat off himself for his huge environmental footprint.

I would be willing to bet that his concern with what you eat, and where your food comes from has more to do with his bottom line than it does the environment. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think he is propping up his investment in fake meat, and disguising it as climate change virtue. Of course the Private Jet Global Warmers are eating it up. It’s a win win for Bill. If he can keep people focused on agriculture and the “harm” it does, maybe no one will notice the fossil fuels billowing out of his Microsoft manufacturing plants in China. Or the landfills those products he manufactures will eventually land in. It’s a smart plan. Keeping eyes off him himself, while looking like the hero. 

In the meantime, there are too many people, just in this country, that are hungry and can’t afford a healthy meal. Not to mention around the world. People like Bill Gates attacking agriculture, and literally trying to take away the hand that feeds you, is not going to make it any easier or more affordable for folks to feed their families. 

It’s a disgusting game he is playing, whether he’s playing it for profit or he really does believe he’s saving the planet. He’s playing it on your dinner table.

This, to me, is what privilege looks like. Telling others what they should eat while your plate is full. 

I sure hope people continue to support independent ag producers, and speak up to reject the notion that anyone besides you should make your food choices. 

Or soon, we may all be having lab meat for dinner. 

Dana Carey


Raising Good People


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